Page 242 - Edmond Paris - Tajna istorija jezuita
P. 242
89. U prisustvu samog Stepinca, jednog dana se 400 ljudi “vratilo” u katoličku
veru. 12. juna 1942. Radio Vatikan je objavio vest o ovoj masovnoj konverziji navode-
ći da je to bilo “spontano i bez ikakvog pritiska”.
90. "Le Monde", 31st of December 1959.
91. "Paris-Presse", 31st of December 1959.
92. Cf. Jean Hussard: "Vu en Yougoslavie" (Lausanne 1947, p.216).
92a. R.P. Dragoun: "The Dossier of Cardinal Stepinac" (Nouvelles Editions
Latines, Paris 1958, pages 46 and 163).
92b R.P. Dragoun: "The Dossier of Cardinal Stepinac", (Nouvelles Editions
Latines, Paris 1958,p.32).
93. Cf. "Le Monde", 19th of April 1959.
94. and 95. Georges Viance: "La Federation nationale catholique", foreword by
the R.P.Janvier (Flammarion, Paris 1930, pp. 186,187,188,78).
96. Franz von Papen: "Memoires" (Flammarion, Paris 1953, p.91).
97. AndreGuerber: "Himmler et ses crimes" (Les Documents Nuit et Jour, Paris,
98. Canon Coube: "Sainte Therese de l'Enfant Jesus et les crises du temps pre-
sent", (Flammarion, Paris 1936, pp.165 ss). Imprimatur: 11th of January 1936.
99. Francois Tenand: "L'Ascension politique du Marechal Petain", (Ed. du livre
francais, Paris 1946, pp.40 ss).
101. 7th of July 1941.
102. 30th of July 1941. ,
103. Foreword to "L'Eglise a-t-elle collabore"?, by Jean Cotereau (Spartacus,
Paris, May 1946).
104. R.P. Deroo: "L'Episcopat francais dans la melee de son temps", (Bonne
Presse, Paris 1955, p. 103). Imprimatur 1955.
105. 'La Croix', 10th of October 1958.
106. Čitamo u "Documentation catholique" od 15. Marta 1959. da je duh novog
pape isti kao i prethodnog.
107. "Reforme", 21st of July 1945.
108. Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of
Dantzig: "Hitler m'a dit", (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss).
109. Walter Schellenberg: "Le Chef du contre-espionnage nazi vous parle"
(Julliard, Paris 1957, pp.23-24).
110. "Begegnungen zwichen Katholischen Christentum und nazional-soziali-
tischer Weltanchaunung", by Michaele Schmaus, professor at the Faculty of
Theology of Munich. (Aschendorf, Munster 1933).
111. "La Croix", 2nd of September 1951.
112. "La Croix", 2nd of September 1954.
113. Gunter Buxbaum- "Les Catholiques en Europe centrale" ("Mercure de
France", 15th of January 1939).
114. Robert d'Harcourt of the French Academy: "Franz von Papen, l'homme a
tout faire" L'Aube, 3rd of October 1946).
115. "Temoignage chretien", 6th of December 1957.
116. Abbe Jean Vieujan: "Grande Apologetique" (Bloud et Gay, Paris 1937,
117. Conference of the 25th of March 1912.