Page 133 - Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky
P. 133

               biological levels” —in other words, to reverse engineer a brain by building parallel processing
               chips one square micron in size and arraying them in a basketball-sized carbon sphere suspended
               in a gallium aluminum alloy (liquid metal for maximum conductivity) in a powerful wireless
               router  “tank”  communicating  with  millions  of  sensors  already  released  around  the  planet  and
               linked to the Internet.

                     These sensors gather input from cameras, microphones, pressure and temperature gauges, robots, and natural systems
                     —deserts, glaciers, lakes, rivers, oceans, and rain forests.

                   “Natural systems” no doubt include human beings and animals, as well, but I guess that’s
               better  left  unsaid.  As  function  follows  form,  SyNAPSE’s  “neuromorphic,  brain-imitating
               hardware  autonomously  gives  rise  to  intelligence”  by  mirroring  the  human  brain’s  30  billion
               neurons and 100 trillion synapses, then surpassing its 1,000 trillion operations per second.
                   Meanwhile,  McGill  University  in  Montréal,  Canada  has  developed  a  “biological
               supercomputer”  powered  by  adenosine  triphosphate  protein  strings  (“molecular  units  of
               currency”)  and  as  small  as  a  book,  but  with  the  mathematical  capabilities  of  giant
               supercomputers—and it doesn’t overheat.  13

                                                 QUANTUM COMPUTERS

                 Because the D-Wave is so good at specific problems, [Google] thinks some classical/quantum
                 combination may prove ideal. . .[M]aybe the “neocortex” of future AIs will be comprised of a
                               quantum chip, whereas the rest will remain classically driven. 14

               Classical  computers  use  bits  of  information  in  1s  and  0s,  1s  being  positive  charges  on  a
               capacitor, 0s being an absence of charge. A quantum computer uses qubits—strings of ions held
               in place by an electrical field and manipulated by laser pulses—and can simultaneously mix 1s
               and 0s in a quantum state called a superposition on a single atom or electron that can be in two
               places at once or spin clockwise and anticlockwise at the same time. In fact, “measuring a qubit
               knocks it out of superposition and thereby destroys the information it holds.” 15
                   Still,  it  is  the  qubit  that  makes  “the  weirdest  feature  of  quantum  mechanics”—quantum

                     . . .this property enables distinct quantum systems to become intimately correlated so that an action performed on one
                     has an effect on the other, even for systems that are too far apart to physically interact.

                   This is quantum teleportation, “a reliable and efficient way to transfer quantum information
               [measured  as  qubits]  across  a  network.  .  .for  a  future  quantum  Internet,  with  secure
               communications and a distributed computational power that greatly exceeds that of the classical
               Internet.” 17
                   What is most attractive about quantum computers to the Global Security State is their ability
               to quickly factor large numbers—the mainstay of electronic surveillance and data security—and
               equally quickly sift through masses of unsorted data to find one person or one event. These two
               applications alone would make the quantum computer and its superpositioning a game-changer,
               but add in quantum teleportation and it becomes irresistible.
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