Page 162 - Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky
P. 162

mounted on aircraft, 119  thanks to computer software, project 3D optical holograms of multiple
               images onto the sodium layer screen sixty miles above, “deep perspective images that appear to
               emanate  from  the  very  depths  of  space.” 120   Now  picture  a  tractor  beam 121   lifting  masses  of
               people into the sky as the ELF, VLF, or LF “voice of God” speaks to every cultural and religious
               persuasion as computer memory banks pour historical vistas into every mind, as well as what
               humanity must now do. Alien invasion, Rapture, and then the most fantastic of all:

                     ELF/ULF waves [and plasma] will allow “supernatural forces” to travel through optical fibers, coaxial cables (TV),
                     electrical and phone lines in order to penetrate everyone at once through major appliances. Embedded [nano-] chips
                     will  already  be  in  place.  Global  Satanic  ghosts  will  be  projected  everywhere  to  push  populations  to  the  edge  of
                     hysteria and madness and drown them in a wave of suicide, murder, and permanent psychological disorder . . . 122

                   On June 29, 2015 a cube poked through the plasma cloud cover over McGregor, Texas, site
               of Elon Musk’s SpaceX testing facility. Its appearance was accompanied by wind and swirling
               jet-black  plasma  clouds,  as  if  it  were  entering  from  another  dimension,  like  the  rectangular
               obelisk in Stanley Kubrick’s seminal 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). After a brief tour through
               the cloud cover, it disappeared. Kabba, as in the Kabbalistic Tree, refers to the cube in the Tree,
               the cube being a symbol of Saturn a.k.a. Satan. 123  Could the cube’s visitation be a Lord of the
               Rings holographic psyop referencing the metallic chemical rings being laid around the Earth?


                   The high-frequency (HF) emission in near-Earth space from various powerful transmitters
                (radio communications, radars, broadcasting, universal time and navigation stations, etc.) form
                 an integral part of the modern world that it cannot do without. In particular, special-purpose
                  research facilities equipped with powerful HF transmitters are used successfully for plasma
                experiments and local modification of the ionosphere. In this work, we are using the results of a
                    complex space-ground experiment to show that exposure of the subauroral region to HF
                 emission can not only cause local changes in the ionosphere, but can also trigger processes in
                the magnetosphere-ionosphere system that result in intensive substorm activity (precipitations of
                 high-energy particles, aurorae, significant variations in the ionospheric parameters and, as a
                                       consequence, in radio propagation conditions).

                   — V.D. Kuznetsov and Yu Ya Ruzhin, “Anthropogenic trigger of substorms and energetic
                                       particles precipitations,” December 20, 2014 124

               Radar (Radio Detection And Ranging) is a primary player in obtaining and maintaining planetary
               full spectrum dominance for the Under the Dome  125  Space Fence lockdown of planet Earth.
                   In the 1930s, the major players in two world wars discovered just how far pulsed radio waves
               could  take  communications  and  surveillance.  With  antenna  direction  and  timed  pulses  on  an
               oscilloscope,  the  range  and  location  of  a  target  could  be  exactly  determined.  This  discovery
               transformed  warfare,  and  radar  has  come  a  long  way  since  then.  Beaming  phased-array
               millimeter  waves  is  now  essential  to  priming  the  power  density  of  our  lower  atmosphere  for
               military operations, including weather engineering:

                     Phased array Doppler radar facilities (ground / air / satellite based) can provide the focused microwave energy needed
                     to  create  this  cascade  of  atmospheric  ions.  Through  this  process,  ions  are  multiplied  and  released  into  the  lower
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