Page 178 - Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky
P. 178
NSF (National Science Foundation), OUR tax dollars. [Italics added.]
Since her son’s death, Farver has been speaking up for the sake of other endangered students,
including the six who died in a Nasatir Hall “cancer cluster.” Each time another student dies,
SDSU orders up more skewed epidemiological reports to bury the damning cause: the HPWREN
tower outside Nasatir Hall. Farver has pushed for wide media exposure, but an anonymous San
Diego Union-Tribune reporter told her that the story would never be allowed to leave San Diego.
When she asked why, he said Money.
Telephone poles, towers with multidirectional discs on them, legions of vans and trucks
loaded with extension ladders and wire spools, fusion centers across the United States tracking
and listening, invisible microwaves everywhere, transmitters on the roofs of schools, wireless
Internet clogging up the ionized air. Teenagers go to bed talking to their friends on their iPhones
and are incapable of entering the deep sleep that will repair the day’s damage of their bodies.
They experience mood and personality changes, lack of concentration, and eventually acoustic
neuroma on their auditory nerve or glioma on their nerve sheaths, and still their doctors wonder
From 1998 to 2003, Norwegian physician Gro Harlem Brundtland was director general of
the World Health Organization (WHO). After publicly revealing that she was electromagnetic
hypersensitive (EHS), she disallowed all cell phones at WHO’s Geneva headquarters. But calling
public attention to the health impact of non-thermal radiation put out by cell phones, microwave
towers and ovens, power lines, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, etc., spelled trouble for Brundtland—
trouble that may have included uterine cancer in 2002. 12
In May 2011, the WHO finally reclassified non-thermal (nonionizing) radiation as a Class B
carcinogen (like diesel exhaust, chloroform, jet fuel, DDT, and lead). At their Media Centre
website in 2014, the reclassification had cooled to “The electromagnetic fields produced by
mobile phones are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possibly
carcinogenic to humans [Class 2B].” 13
WHO continues to ignore its own agency’s recommendations and favors guidelines recommended by the International
Commission on Nono-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). These guidelines, developed by a self-selected group
of industry insiders, have long been criticized as non-protective. . .Martin Blank, Ph.D., of Columbia University, says,
“International exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields must be strengthened to reflect the reality of their impact
on our bodies, especially on our DNA . . .” 14
The Russians call electromagnetic hypersensitivity “microwave sickness,” with symptoms of
low blood pressure and a slow pulse followed by stress and high blood pressure, headaches,
dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to
concentrate, hair loss, cataracts, reproductive problems, cancers of all kinds, appendicitis,
depression, suicide ideation, etc.
The corporatized United States directs mainstream media to ignore the issue. Rare is the
professional voice that courageously speaks up about the relationship between microwaves and
carcinogenicity. James C. Lin, chairman of the Committee on Man and Radiation, Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), testified on July 25, 1990 before the Subcommittee
on Natural Resources, Agriculture Research, and Environment Committee on Science, Space,
and Technology in the U.S. House of Representatives about biological nonionizing radiation
effects, including the microwave hearing effect. 15
The Earth’s “brainwaves” operate in the same spectrum as ours and all of life on Earth: the