Page 69 - Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky
P. 69

field equations were edited to misrepresent scalar waves as zero (like EM waves), and æther was
               “disproven”  by  the  dubious  1881  Michelson-Morley  experiments.  Mathematician  Oliver
               Heaviside  (1850–1925),  chemist  Josiah  Willard  Gibbs  (1839–1903),  and  physicist  Heinrich
               Hertz (1857–1894)  then buried æther, along with Maxwell’s hyperspatial Quaternions (tensors)
               and scalar equations—the very foundations of electromagnetics and unified field theory—and
               replaced them with vector analysis and the insistence that gravitation and electromagnetism are
               mutually exclusive instead of interdependent. Instead of five dimensions—X, Y, Z, time, and
               gravity—mainstream twentieth-century physics was subsequently confined to four dimensions,
               with hyperspace superluminal signals viewed as “imaginary components.” In the 1920s, English
               theoretical physicist Paul  Dirac  (1902–1984),  one  of  the  founders  of quantum  mechanics  and
               quantum electrodynamics, insisted that science would have to return to the ether theory, but of
               course no one listened, scientism being entrenched.
                   About  the  time  relativity  was  being  pushed  as  a  truism,  studies  of  radioactivity  began
               showing that the empty vacuum of space had a spectroscopic structure similar to that of ordinary
               quantum solids and fluids. Subsequent studies with large particle accelerators clarified that space
               is  more  like  a  piece  of  window  glass  than  Newtonian  emptiness,  filled  with  “stuff”  that  is
               normally transparent. Once it became obvious that Leibniz had been right about space, the term
               dark matter was proposed to explain away why galaxies contain so much more mass than can be
               accounted for by visible matter.  Physics Nobel Laureate Robert B. Laughlin (1950-) thought
               that the æther cover-up for the sake of bolstering special relativity was “unfortunate” enough, but
               then to import a term like “dark matter” for æther?

                     It is ironic that Einstein’s most creative work, the general theory of relativity, should boil down to conceptualizing
                     space as a medium when his original premise [in special relativity] was that no such medium existed. . .The word
                     ‘ether’ has extremely negative connotations in theoretical physics because of its past association with opposition to
                     relativity. This is unfortunate because, stripped of these connotations, it rather nicely captures the way most physicists
                     actually think about the vacuum. . .Relativity actually says nothing about the existence or nonexistence of matter
                     pervading the universe, only that any such matter must have relativistic symmetry . . . 12

                   Only now that the atmosphere is ionized and the Space Fence infrastructure complete are
               Maxwell’s  equations  being  returned  to  their  original  form.  The  makings  of  life  itself—æther,
               plasma,  and  scalar  waves—are  being  weaponized.  Maxwell’s  evoked  potentials  are  being
               artificially  manufactured  and  weaponized  in  three  modes:  pulse,  energy  extraction,  and
               explosion.  To  proponents  of  classical  electrodynamics,  conductivity  happens  via  metal  wires,
               whereas  in  Maxwell  physics,  conductivity  occurs  in  dielectric  æther-filled  hyperspace  when
               conductors serve as waveguides for crossed scalar beams (interferometry) that suck the energy
               out  of  airspace  and  cause  a  cold explosion,  or  just  as  easily  direct  an  invisible  hot  beam  to
               instantaneously  drop  a  target.  Cold  explosion  preserves  machines  and  buildings  but  not  life
               forms; hot energy forces buildings, machines and bodies to explode / implode and “melt” as the
               nucleus of each atom disintegrates. (Shades of 9/11.)

                     These weapons involve beams. Two beams overlapped will couple into a particle-ion beam that will bounce off of a
                     remote target and send a holographic image back to the satellite for remote spying operations. When you cross two
                     strong beams, you can supposedly* create scalar energies. These energies can be used as untraceable weapons for
                     nuclear size explosions or for defense. These crossed-energies can be used to cause a person’s physical electrical
                     system to fail or with a lower frequency, administer a kind of remote electroshock. Visualize touching a positive and
                     negative electric cable to each other on top of your head. Scalar energies can be utilized in hand-held military guns
                     and  on  tanks.  They  can  dud-out  electronics  or  cause  large,  electrical  blackouts.  Scalar  energies  are  practically
                     impossible to shield against. You need lead, ceramics, and a deep underground facility to not be affected by these
                     weapons. Or, you need to be up and above the field of battle. 13
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