Page 91 - Miroljub Petrović - Ko vlada svetom
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Ko vlada svetom                                                                                Literatura

       reme Counsils of the World, July 14, 1889                  Cambridge University Press, 1992.
       20. Manly P. Hall, mason 33. stepena, The Lost Keys of     42. Theodore D. Hall, The Scientific Background of the Nazi
       Freemasonry, str. 48                                       “Race           Purification”       Program,
       21. Video “Tajna društva”, emisija “Masonerija”, Fer Press
       Beograd, 2008.                                             43. Tom Hartman, Poslednji dani planete Zemlje, Metafizika,
       22. Jim Shaw and Tom McKenney, The Deadly Deception:       Beograd, 2006, str. 7.
       Freemasonry Exposed... By One of Its Top Leaders (Lafayette,  44. a) Vence Ferel, Opasnost vakcina. CPS, Beograd, 2008. b)
       Louisiana: Huntington House, Inc.) p. 137.                 Leonard  Horowity,  Emerging  Viruses,  Tetrahedron,
       23. Ref. 21, p. 26.                                        Massachusetts, 1997.
       24. James L. Gould, mason 33. stepena, Guide to the Royal  45. Lorin Dej, Kondomi ne rade. CPS, Beograd, 2008, str. 11.
       Arch Chapter, str. 1.                                      46. Henry C. Clausen, mason 33. stepena, Clausens Commen-
       25. Albert Mackey, mason 33. stepena, Mackey’s Encyclopedia,  taries, str. 184.
       Vol. 1, str. 60-61.                                        47.
       26. Manly P. Hall, mason 33. stepena, Lectures on Ancient  48.
       Philosophy, str. 451.                                      49.
       27. Manly P. Hall, mason 33. stepena, The Lost Keys of     50. Ivona Živković. Mali vodič za ljubitelje kredita, http:
       Freemasonry, str. 100.                                     //
       28. Albert Pike, mason 33. stepena, Morals and Dogma, str.  je-kredita-prvi.html
       815.                                                       51. Keti Barns. Masonski i okultni simboli. Metafizika, Be-
       29. Albert Pike, mason 33. stepena, Morals and Dogma, str.  ograd, 2006, str. 82.
       111.                                                       52. Albert Pike, mason 33. stepena, Magnum Opus, str. 31
       30. Video “Sekte”, emisija “Uspon satanizma”, Fer Press, Be-  53. Albert Pike, mason 33. stepena, Legend of the Ancient and
       ograd, 2007.                                               Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, str. 109.
       31. Ref. 29.                                               54. Albert Pike, mason 33. stepena, Morals and Dogma, str.
       32. Ref. 29.                                               254.
       33. Ref. 29.                                               55. Albert Pike, mason 33. stepena, Magnum Opus, str. 42.
       34. Ref. 29.                                               56. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, str. 293.
       35. Ref. 29.                                               57. Charles Darwin, Postanak vrsta, Uvod, str. 16.
       36. Ref. 29.                                               58. Teodosius Dobzhansky. The American Biology Teacher,
       37. a), b) http:  arch 1973 (35:125-129).
       //, c) www.mi     59. a) Robert Džentri. Mala misterija stvaranja, No Limit                                             Books, Beograd, 2000. b)
       38. Video “Tajna društva”, emisija “Noć veštica”, Fer Press,  dr-dino-sentenced-to-10-years-in-prison, c)
       Beograd, 2008.                                             resources/news/2008/XX/172_harun_yahya_sentenced_to_
       39. Bob Larsen, Extreme Evil, 1999, p.65. (Iz videa “Demaski-  pri_5_9_2008.asp
       rani Holivud”, 1. deo, CPS).                               60. Morris F, kao što je citirano u: Mander J. Four Arguments
       40. Video “Satanisti - posvećenici zla”, Dunav film, Beograd,  for the Elimination of Television. New York, NY: Quill, 1977
       1999.                                                      p. 208.
       41. Thomas Malthus. An Essay on the Principle of Population,  61. Nil Nidli. Zakoni zdravlja i izlečenja, 13. poglavlje, Eden,
       178                                                                                                179
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