Page 198 - Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky
P. 198

               energies and lower field intensities.  So no, it wasn’t the LHC that caused the magnetosphere to
               “disappear” for two hours:

                     We  can,  however,  attribute  these  gaps  in  the  electromagnetic  lines  of  force  to  actions  by  the  numerous  HAARP
                     antennas  established  around  the  planet.  No  longer  are  they  simply  heating  the  ionosphere  and  similarly  targeting
                     terrestrial areas to trigger earthquakes and volcanoes. Indeed, these are manmade events. Of recent, most HAARP
                     installations have been revamped, resulting in higher output and range [due to working together at exact calibrations].
                     These  are  the  cause  and  effects  noted  in  our  [magnetosphere]  shields,  not  the  reduced  power  levels  of  the
                     superconducting magnets arrayed to the Main Ring of the Large Hadron Collider. 11

                   Disruption of the magnetosphere means that more gamma rays and X-rays can access our
                   Echoing the Stephen Hawking quote at the beginning of this chapter, professor Otto Rossler
               at the University of Tubingen in late 2008 went so far as to file a lawsuit against CERN with the
               European Court of Human Rights on the grounds that the facility might trigger a mini-black hole
               that could annihilate the planet.  The lawsuit was thrown out.
                   However, if Rossler was referring to CERN’s antimatter experiments, he was right: when
               matter  comes  in  contact  with  antimatter,  it  is  destroyed.  Unstable  and  needing  careful
               containment, if just one-millionth of a gram is loosed, it equals 37.8 kilograms (83 pounds) of
               TNT or 10 billion times a high explosive.


               The  study  of  matter,  what  it  is  and  isn’t,  has  obsessed  Western  science  since  the  eighteenth
               century, as has the determination to probe its origins. We now know that the reality our five
               senses  perceive  is  actually  a  complex  pattern  of  interlocking  wave  forms,  much  as  was
               envisioned in the final scenes of the 2003 film The Matrix Revolutions. What we see as “matter”
               is the positive cycle of  a  wave pulsing  into existence  while  in a hyperdimension  its  negative
               cycle manifests as antimatter. Quantum physics and harmonics mathematics may be preparing
               humanity  for  encounters  beyond  what  occultists  have  for  centuries  termed  the  Threshold  or
               Veil.  (At CERN, it’s known as the “containment wall.”)
                   Think  of  antimatter/matter  as  the  yin/yang  of  reality,  the  building  blocks  of  atoms  being
               electrons (-) and protons (+), each with its own antimatter and opposite charge, as was mentioned
               in  Chapter  7  while  discussing  lightning,  a  natural  particle  accelerator  producing  antimatter.
               Chapter 6 mentioned how lightning is the natural “particle accelerator” that produces antimatter,
               and how sprites are now being manufactured to do the same.
                   With terms like “Higgs boson” and “God particle,” CERN claims to seek the “glue” binding
               all matter together. What it really seeks is the antimatter rooted beyond the Threshold of earthly
                   In 2004, the U.S. Air Force publicly announced that it was pursuing antimatter weapons, “the
               eerie ‘mirror’ of ordinary matter.”  With antimatter in hand, positron bombs would be “clean”
               bombs that wouldn’t eject plumes of radioactive debris. But on Eugene Mirman’s Star Talk radio
               program, astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson blew holes in the military’s naïve way of thinking:
               “Ask yourself: How much energy is keeping [the planet] together? Then you put more than that
               amount of energy into the object. It will explode.”
                   Are some of the world’s particle accelerators already in the antimatter weapons business?
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