Page 203 - Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky
P. 203
Co-founder and chief scientist Eric Ladizinsky equates D-Wave’s qubit chip with the
Manhattan Project and magic, as per Arthur C. Clarke’s famous “Any sufficiently advanced
technology is indistinguishable from magic.” In a 2013 speech at Idea City, D-Wave’s Geordie
Rose revealed D-Wave’s hyperdimensional capability by quoting physicist David Deutsch:
“Quantum computation. . .will be the first technology that allows useful tasks to be performed in
collaboration between parallel universes.” Rose went on to mention the pulse tube dilation
refrigerator unit “heartbeat” of the twelve-foot D-Wave, and confessed that standing beside the
D-Wave was “awe-inspiring. . .like an altar to an alien god.” (See Chapter 6 for more on D-
It is true: D-Wave appears to function interdimensionally. First came D-Wave Model 512
(qubits) linked with Josephson junctions, then the 1024, the 2048, and finally the 4096 that clears
the way through the Veil (4,096 qubits in the coded “key”). D-Wave’s 512 cracked the
uncrackable Shor’s algorithm of 2048; now, D-Waves are writing their own code that only other
adiabatic quantum computers can crack. How many dimensions has D-Wave accessed so far
with VHEeP?
In quantum worlds, (1) dimensions are frequencies, (2) everything locked in matter has a
dual nature of waves (spiritual) and particles (physical), (3) quantum tunneling reaches into
spiritual dimensions, and (4) antimatter frequencies entering our reality are subject to the same 3-
space laws we are.
Is the Transhumanist agenda looming behind the Space Fence, CERN, and the D-Wave
“alien god” to digitally augment our reality to the point that our DNA matches the digitized DNA
of antimatter demons/aliens? Are we to one day be only virtual and exist entirely in the digital
like cartoon characters?
The Mandela Effect—when someone has a clear memory of something that never happened
in this reality—may be an early ripple foreshadowing such a future, or it could be yet another
psyop via pulsing and Internet hacking. But it does seem that CERN and D-Wave are bent on
opening and cross-fertilizing dimensions. Meanwhile, the rings of Saturn are going up around the
Earth. 32
1 LHC is a synchrotron-type accelerator, a particular type of cyclic particle accelerator in which the accelerating particle
beam travels around a fixed closed-loop path.
2 David Kestenbaum, “The World’s Largest Particle Accelerator.” NPR, May 18, 2008.
3 Like other “black” projects, confusion reigns over HAARP’s resumption: “HAARP Facility to Reopen in 2017 under New
Ownership,” National Association for Amateur Radio, August 4, 2016.
4 “CLOUD,”
5 Christopher Fontenot, “CERN: Planetary Surface Power and Interstellar Propulsion,” A Microwaved Planet, June 27, 2016;
“Earth’s Global Atmospheric Electric Grid Circuit,” A Microwaved Planet, June 28, 2016. Also view “Bizarre Discovery at
CERN,” FreedomRebel, January 17, 2013.
6 See footnote in Chapter 6.
7 Email, October 4, 2016.
8 Tera or trillion electron volts; 1 TeV = 1.6021773E-7 joule.
9 “The Abandoned Remains of the Superconducting Super Collider.” Amusing Planet, December 14, 2010.
10 If the LHC schedule can be believed:
11 Email from Anthony Patch to Kevin Baker of the Kevin Baker Show, April 25, 2016.