Page 35 - Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky
P. 35

counterintuitive result in that particulates reduce the level of solar radiation reaching the
                  Earth’s surface and would be expected to have a cooling effect. The CCS Program however
                   states that by the year 2100 short-lived gases and particles may account for as much as 40
                            percent of the warming over the summertime continental United States.

                                             — Geophysicist Keith Potts, COP21

               Like a vast, random experiment targeting the environment with health doomed to be collateral
               damage,  chemicals  have  been  released  into  the  air,  soil,  and  water  since  nineteenth-century
               industrialism. While some may shrug that the aerial release of chemical nanoparticles and nano-
               sensors, microprocessors, and biologicals under the classified Project Cloverleaf is just more of
               the  same,  nanoparticles  able  to  breach  the  blood-brain  barrier  make  it  uniquely  diabolical,  as
               does the global conspiracy of power to turn the entire planet into an electromagnetic grid and
               plug  everyone  into  it.  War  has  gone  corporate  and  all  of  life  reframed  as  a  battlespace  of
               disposable noncombatants (civilians) redefined as potential “terrorists.” The military is no longer
               a protector but partnered with giant transnational corporations and wealthy dynastic cartels like
               that of Big Pharma and Big Oil.
                   Fertilizers and pesticides, bombs, “medicine,” and jet fuel additives all flow from the self-
               serving chemical industry of Dow, Monsanto, Siemens, Eli Lilly, Sandoz, Bayer, I.G. Farben,
               etc.  During  World  War  II,  I.G.  Farben  provided  nickel,  aluminum,  and  magnesium  for  Nazi
               Heinkel and Junkers Stuka bombers, along with fuel, oil, and phosphorous incendiaries.  Today,
               they  support  chemical  warfare  against  society.  Monsanto  developed  its  aluminum-resistant
               “Terminator” seed in step with the Welsbach patent and Cloverleaf jets furrowing the sky and
               sowing Al O  combustion chemicals in soil, oceans, rivers, water reservoirs, gills and lungs. Big
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               Pharma corporations boost cancer, legislate for more vaccinations, and pay off physicians to ply
               Americans with one drug after another. Like Monsanto seed, fertilizers, and pesticides, “mood
               stabilizers”  and  vaccines  are  designed  to  work  synergistically  with  the  chemicals  and
               nanoparticulates falling from the sky. Profit and population control go hand in hand.

                                           CHEMTRAILS VERSUS CONTRAILS

               Our blue skies and golden Sun have turned milky white as the disconnect between what people
               are  observing  and  what  television  weather  reporters  are  reading  from  their  cue  cards  slowly
               becomes more and more obvious. Occasionally, a scientist admits that what is ridiculed by media
               is  actually  true—for  example,  heliophysicist  at  NASA  Goddard  Space  Flight  Center  Doug
               Rowland  admitted over  the  phone  to a  citizen:  “There’s  different  kinds  of  chemtrails,  as  you
               probably know.”  The question is not if chemicals are in the aerial deliveries but what chemicals
               are  being  delivered  and  why,  and  what  impact  they’re  having  on  present-time  health  and  the
               genetics of future generations.
                   We stand six miles below what is spewing from the engine and wings of jets and strain our
               eyes to capture what is coming from the jet to obscure our sunlight and deep blue skies. We read
               about “climate change,” contrails, and carbons, follow “extreme weather” coverage on television,
               and  ponder  references  to  stratospheric  aerosol  geoengineering  (SAG)  or  solar  radiation
               management (SRM). In 2010, European aerospace engineers presented conclusive evidence of
               chemical trails over NATO countries in “CASE ORANGE,” a 336-page report commissioned by
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